Royal Adderley "Simplicity" bone china tea cup and saucer
A very pretty bone china tea cup and saucer.
Made by the company "Royal Adderley", and the pattern is called "Simplicity"
Please note this is a vintage item, (1960s/70s) and as as such, cannot be expected to be in mint condtion.
There may be some crazing to the glazing, and there may be minor imperfections, although there are no obvious chips or cracks.
These tea cups and saucers are very popular for crafters, and can be used in many ways, such as creating a diorama within!
Our reasons for this section, and our ethos behind it
Here at Tregaver, I believe that too much is discarded after use, that may have a use for other people! Repurposing, recycling and upcycling is becoming more and more popular, as people are beginning to see the perils of a disposable society, where things often are just used once, and then discarded.
In fact, we have a come-in-handy section in the farm yard, lots of bits and bobs that are simply too good to throw away, and may one day, come-in-handy to us, or someone else!
With this is mind, I've decided to create a separate section here on my website, where items I come across may have a further use to customers.
This section will be built up gradually, as and when I come across great finds which could be reused!
Our miniatures and props have been carefully curated to create a selection that fits with the ethos of the business - there are no plastics or synthetics in any of our props. All of our props are made from either natural materials, like cork, wood, or bamboo which are biodegradable, or from other materials that can be recycled later in life - for instance our glass jars and bottle can be recycled, and all of our metal props can be recycled too!
It's a key part of my business to ensure that we only sell products that are fully eco-friendly, so you can buy our props with confidence, knowing that there are no single use plastics, or any enviromentally difficult products.
All of our orders are sent in 100% plastic free, biodegradable packaging too!