Cloud Grey Carded Wool, 10g,
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£1.65 inc. tax
Cloud grey carded wool - 10g
Featured in our Hazy Skies box, this is the cloud grey that is reminiscent of an incoming shower!
More about our carded wool:
Our carded wool has been professionally carded by the Natural Fibre Company in Launceston, Cornwall.
It consists of wools from our own flock, mixed with some Devon and Cornwall Longwool from Tregondale, and some Perendale from Hannah's Flock.
Our carded wool felts wonderfully - the Devon and Cornwall Longwool wool gives it a coarser texture, which means it's fast to felt.
It's then been hand dyed by myself.
To get the best results from our carded wool, take the length and gently pull side to side to free up the fibres, and it will form a mesh that's easy to use in all felted creations and other fibre arts.
Featured in our Hazy Skies box, this is the cloud grey that is reminiscent of an incoming shower!
More about our carded wool:
Our carded wool has been professionally carded by the Natural Fibre Company in Launceston, Cornwall.
It consists of wools from our own flock, mixed with some Devon and Cornwall Longwool from Tregondale, and some Perendale from Hannah's Flock.
Our carded wool felts wonderfully - the Devon and Cornwall Longwool wool gives it a coarser texture, which means it's fast to felt.
It's then been hand dyed by myself.
To get the best results from our carded wool, take the length and gently pull side to side to free up the fibres, and it will form a mesh that's easy to use in all felted creations and other fibre arts.
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From sheep to shop
Good afternoon from a soggy Cornwall! For many years now, I've been asked my numerous customers to stock coloured carded wool. This has, up until now, been difficult. Most coloured carded wool available to buy here in the UK, is imported from New Zealand, and other countries. It's absolute madness to ship wool in excess of 18000 miles, when we have our own farmers, here in the UK, growing some beautiful wool. I still can't get my head around why it's cheaper to import wool, rather than to use th

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