Product Details
50g budget fibre mix
50g budget fibre mix
50g budget fibre mix
50g budget fibre mix
50g budget fibre mix

50g budget fibre mix

Product Code: MMlWd2N
Product Condition: New
Units in Stock: 6
£15.00 inc. tax
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These are from our 'budget' mix, so are slightly imperfect ringlets.... they may have a little more VM in them, they may have tips missing, they may have 'fluffed out' and separated slightly or have am uneven take up of dye, or a little dirt may be trapped in some of the fibres

Therefore, they are not perfect enough to make it into our superb regular bunches; however, they are perfect for craft projects where a small amount of curly fibre is required.

Our budget mixes are always changing - therefore the photos attached are only indicative of the mix you will receive. 

The fibre is still soft, and silky, and is perfect for arts such as needle or wet felting, or for  doll making, and other fibre crafts.

These is a  MIXED FIBRE batch, so you willreceive locks from different breeds of curly wool sheep!

All our fibre comes from our own flock, plus other flocks I've Visited to ensure superb animal welfare standards.
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