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I often see posts on social media asking "where can I buy wool?"  

Our wool and fibre is unique - most big box stores use imported wool, however, our wool comes from our own flock and visited farms.

We have many different types of wool fibre, with lots of different breeds to choose from. We also stock other natural fibres such as mohair and alpaca too!

Our natural fibres are perfect for felting fibres, and are all UK wool, with the exception of our wool felt.  We are a natural fibre company - we have no synthetics whatsoever in any of our fibres, so all of our fibres are 100% biodegradable

Examples of natural fibres are of course wool, and other fibres grown by animals.  These include wool, mohair and alpaca fibres.

Our felting wool is available in various forms - we sell curly wool and curls, carded wool and wool tops, plus roving made from the mohair of our own angora herd.

We also have felting supplies and sundries, such as felting mats and pads, felting needles, awls, plus an extensive range of miniature items for props and staging your creations.

We offer wool boxes and packs, these include carded fibres, longwool locks, and other themed collections of fibres. 

We also have felting kits, which will help you to learn how to felt wool, and how to create your own, gorgeous creations with our sustainable fibres! 

Our animal themed felting kits are proving more and more popular, with our sheep wreath kit being one of our current best sellers.

We also sell wool for spinning, and also weaving - take a look at our bulk fibre buys to find our mohair roving, as well as our carded fibres.

Our mohair yarn is perfect for crochet and knitting too, and we will be introducing a new yarn hopefully before the end of the year.  

Our UK wool shop is our online website, we don't currently have a physical shop that people are able to visit.

Our natural fibres are not only for felters!

One of our main customer bases are doll makers.  Our curly wool locks make perfect curls for doll hair, and we offer a range of staple lengths (the length of the fibres) which means you can get short doll hair, long doll hair and everything in between!  Perfect for rerooting, our wool reroots really well, and can also be glued, or used to make doll hair wefts and wigs too.

Coming soon!

We hope to launch a new wool this year - keep watching this space.  This wool yarn will be perfect for knitting and crochet

Needles for needle felting - we offer some needles in our kits, but will soon expand our range to offer felting needles to purchase, either as a single needle or packs.

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