Good afternoon from a soggy Cornwall!
For many years now, I've been asked by numerous customers to stock coloured carded wool.
This has, up until now, been impossible.
Most coloured carded wool available to buy here in the UK, is imported from New Zealand, and other countries.
It's absolute madness to ship wool in excess of 18000 miles, when we have our own farmers, here in the UK, growing some beautiful wool. And I've refused to buy in cheap New Zealand wool, as it's a matter of wool miles that a lot of sellers just consider.
I still can't get my head around why it's cheaper to import wool, rather than to use the wool we have here in this country, but that's a debate for another time!
So after several years of searching, I've finally found a supplier of UK grown, shetland wool, which is available in so many colours, I just had to buy all of them!
I don't have the facilities to card and dye wool here at the farm - I only have the space to carry on with my hand dyed loose curls and locks - so it was a huge step for me!
Our new, UK grown, carded wool will be available very soon in our store!
And in other news, I'm currently in talks with a mill to be able to send wool to them to get carded and dyed.... This means I'd be able to send the wool from my local farms, and have complete traceability from sheep to shop!
I will be continuing to hand dye and process all of my locks and curls, but being able to offer coloured carded wool, sourced from the UK is a big step in the right direction!